Greetings to all, for this good occasion, I will talk about the CBNT project and learn about the benefits of the CBNT project, here are the reviews:
CBNT is a decentralized professional community for content sharing based on blockchain technology and the DPGC ecosystem model (decentralized professional generated content). In the beginning, we will focus on block and professional investment content. CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content / article providers, content readers (viewers), advertising publishers and token owners.
The CBNT team aims to change the standard business model of content platforms and allow each participant to use CBNT. By adopting the “participating in the mining” model, CBNT will issue markers that represent the rights on the platform. CBNT will focus on block information and financial and investment areas, which are also very connected with the marginal economy system. Content generators, viewers and communicators can use CBNT tokens, posting content, sharing, commenting and liking, etc. On the CBNT platform.
All participants in this ecosystem can receive 100% of the relevant rights and benefits, thereby achieving a win-win “content, traffic and advertising” system.
In addition, in the CBNT community, regardless of whether you are content generators or content-viewers, both parties can receive “Mining Rewards” tokens. As CBNT grows and traffic increases, all the profits of multiple ads will also be distributed to all participants.
In the future, the CBNT community is an open and transparent organization with symbols representing all rights to the platform. Each CBNT holder can participate in public elections, make decisions on making decisions in business, other events and, finally, seek to make decisions in the field of group wisdom. All data is publicly and transparently recorded on the block chain, which allows you to create a distributed public organization.
CBNT will be built as a system of symbolic economy, fully compliant with the rules of a free market economy; each person who has contributed to others can make a financial profit from it, thereby solving the following problems faced by traditional ecosystems of Internet content:
Reducing the quality of content caused by the loss of attention.
Content creators spend time creating content and provide value for the platform, eventually converting them
work in the interests of the platform profit model.
Content-viewers and communicators can not share the financial value that content generates. and much more
If our project attracts you, please read the information about the token below:

Distribution of tokens

Because CBNT is a proof of the platform ecosystem, CBNT token owners can enjoy platform rights, such as revenue sharing, control, voting, etc. The total volume of CBNT shipments is 10 billion, and it will never be reassigned. There are two ways to obtain CBNT: one is the extraction of minerals, and the other is trading with the exchange.

The mechanism for distributing tokens is as follows:

Road map
March 2018
Launching the CBNT project; preparation of business rules, development of processes and communication with creators of content, etc.
September 2018
listing the beta version of CBNT; invite community members to form a beta team and complete the system test.
October 2018
version CBNT 1.0, available for users of iOS and Android.
September 2019
Gradually seek to make decisions in the field of group wisdom and create a self-made distributed community with the joint construction of ecosystems, joint management of communities and income distribution and in which each holder of the CBTS can participate in elections in the communities, in decision-making on business, etc.,

For More Information : 

Website: https://www.cbnt.io/index-en.html
Whitepaper: https://www.cbnt.io/whiteBook1.pdf
Bounty campaign: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4963233
Telegram: https://t.me/cbntofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CbntOfficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbntofficial/
Medium: https://medium.com/@cbntofficial
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@cbntofficial
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/cbntofficial!

Author Bitcointalk Profile : Sharingan16
ETH Address : 0xa6D003A8705d3051c53d2187FB6B69BD60337004

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